Friday, November 10, 2006

What ultimate needs is more
mustaches. They make you fierce.
Yeah. Carlo, Akira, Mike and everyone else who said it was me--I stand in awed reverence at your detective powers. Touche. Although you do have to admit that the candidates were pretty few and far between. Seriously. I think if your roomate starts a secret identity blog and you *don't* figure it out then you should lose roomate points. But no roomate points should be assigned for finding him out. That should be a given (except in the case of Joe Little--the Man/the Mystery).

If anyone found the blog offensive, I didn't mean for it to be that way. But I guess if you took it that way then ultimately it was offensive regardless of my intentions. Sweet. But in my defense, I think you have to admit it was a) pretty rediculous and b) not really believable as insults. Oh, and I myself fall into some of the categories I make fun of. Sandblast team speedo, etc. And although I buy into it pretty deep (Gaia bag, anyone?), there are some things about the ultimate community about which almost everyone could agree would be ripe for mocking if seen by an outsider. Come on. Fine, I'll play summer league next year.